I still struggle to understand why we have to leave it to the last minute to play well?? Has Paul Roos pulled together a team of guys that always left their school assignments to 11pm the day before it was due.
But lets first of relive my visits to see the boys this year... don't worry... I left in may...

Well... as it tuns out, my prediction was correct. I promised back in May this year the swannies would make the grand final... I never said they would win, but in the last 10 years, the swans have been in the Grand Final 3 times... 1996, 2005 and 2006, and each of those years I wasn't in the country.... Guess I will have to take one for the team next year too..

BUT Deev, Michelle and I had a second breakfast about mid-day, only GBP4 for a big fry up breakfast... and like an extra GBP2 for a CRAP coffee (they don't even offer skim milk)!!!!!
Then... super exciting for me at least, Michelle and I coloured deev's hair with some blond streaks. After the fluro pink incident with Rachie (sorry again babe) we did a much better job on deev's hair. And afterwards I bought a special brush so that I can do some more later... so those of you in London after some free, experimental hair colourings... let me know.....
I see my swannies jersey was put to good use while I was away :o)
Dissapointed you didn't have a snakebite though, would have gone down better than a VB once you got used to the taste!
Mel xox
I have tried a snake bite... not a fan babe... Of course i used your jersey, mum had to pry in out of my suitcase before i left
That would be Bruce Dawes and i'm thinking it was called 'Lifecycle?
Yes, it was a sad day for the Swannies, even sadder to have gotten up at 4am for the privalige!
I miss you matey. Taking my Dad to the games just isn't the same without you.
Oh, and I had all my hair cut off!! officially a short style.Sue was very excited.
Good work Megan - Bruce Dawe and Life cycle!! I think that was my first "insight" into AFL. I thought the people in the poem were a little silly about football.
But look at me now.... hopeless Swans fan. It was a sad day in September......
The poem also brings back Year 12 memories all too quickly!
Miss you too Christina. Watching the game at home with Gabby wasn't quite the same (though was very nice)
Great blog, you are having great fun Christina. We must meet up in the new year for some fun!
viv and Trev
we watched the swannies play the demons, and yeh they lost. but it was a nailbiter finish. we lost by like 3 points or something in the end. you'd be proud, i went to two more games after i went with you. even an owner of a hat a scarf now HAHA. went to the pub to watch the game...very dissapointing :(
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