Tuesday, September 18, 2007


It would seem that since discovering facebook my poor blog has been suffering neglect. So here is a catch up blog...

Shanti from uni and work visited in March. This is us with St Pauls and the Thames

Snowboarding in France, March 2006
Alison from work visited in March (this is at picadilly circus)Simeon from uni visited in March (I didn't realise how many visitors I had that month!). This is at the blue man group
April marked my fourth visit to see Wicked with Pippa!
Beth arrived in May, and this is us in Capri
My first Eurovision party... me and Alix (my new flat mate) unimpressed with the bloc voting arragements
Me and Louise in Lisbon in May
Fran (uni) and me in Notting Hill in June
David, Kylie and me at a restaurant in High St Kensington in June (Joanna Lumly was also in the restaurant!)
Deev and me in Paris at the end of June
Rach and Schelle at the one man star wars show in July (do you like their SUMMER clothes??)
Ali (my old flat mate) and me at the Justin Timberlake concert in July
Farewell Ali! Greg, me and Ali
Iceland in July with Franko and Steph
Buying Harry Potter at Sainsburys at midnight, me and Elise
Pam visits in July
Holiday time... Ireland tour

Still holiday time... Rome

I hope you liked my catch up block... not a lot of writing I realise, so I hope you have a good internet connection!


Anonymous said...

Great photos!!!! hey are you on facebook? Hope the work and everything is all going well. not much to report here, Jesse and I are hunting to buy an apartment and it's depressing how unaffordable Sydney is!!!

Anyhoo take care
Love Lisa.

Unknown said...

Hi Christina.


Good to see all your pictures and hope you are well.

We need to talk as its been too long!!
