OK... Guy Fawkes... so he was the guy who tried to blow up parliament, many years ago... not sure on the timing (and can't be bothered to google at the moment). In anycase, he is always shown wearing ye olde clothes, so it is not a recent thing.
Any way, the gun powder plot was foiled, hence you can still visit the Parliament building.
There is a place near West Hampstead called Hampstead Heath (not a coincidence). There is a hill in Hampstead Heath, called Parliament Hill. Apparently, Guy's friends went there to watch the spectacle... you can no longer see the Parliament from Parliament Hill (yep... pollution).
Here is Ali and me at Clapham Common ready for the fire works

After the fireworks in Clapham Common, Franko, Schelle and I decided it was food time. I got it in my head that it would be a great idea to go to the Gormet Burger Kitchen in Clapham... afterall I went there with my sister a year ago and we walked back to her place in Oval, so it can't be that far.
OK... firstly lets remember Clapham has at least 3 Tube stations, Clapham North, Clapham South and Clapham Common. Further, there is also Clapham Junction.
So after taking them totally the wrong way, I decided it was necessary to ring Mel, my sister in Australia to find out where the GBK in Clapham is. After she complained about being woken up, she recommended jumping on a bus... Yep... Clapham is fairly big.
So after that delightful detour, we ended up having half price pizza which was really good. I had a pizza with eggplant and goats cheese and something else was on it I expect.

Hi Chris,just finished the traditional Saturday night BBQ with the olds,and have read all your blogs.Excellent stuff, will be taking the site address home with me. Love your new hairdo!!!You certainly not wasting anytime over there, happy you are having a ball. Found a man yet?? All well with me, throw a comment back your way soon love Cindyxx
Hey Chris
Zoe was drnking out of yor cup today (Stina's cup)so was thinking of you this arvo - love your Blog and would love you to show me the ropes on Blogging as I am heading OS next year with the fam and woud like to start up something similar. Cindy beat me to the hairdo comment - think it looks great. You were either cold or c___tipated in the last shot!! Only joking love Tori xoxox
Hey Chicky,
another great installment :o) and down in Clapham too! Can't wait for your NY and Canada blogs! x
Hi Christina, have you checked out the Prospect of Whitby yet - great pub.
Cheers Jackie
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