Friday, December 22, 2006


It is finally almost Christmas!!! One of the benefits of Christmas is I have a few days away from work in a row (5 to be exact). Also, the UK has no forced annual leave between Christmas and new year... very convenient when it is minus two outside!

So I'm catching up on my blog entries... I visited Lisbon at the begining of November for a few days to see Matt and Louise, friends from Sydney who are living in Lisbon now.

It was such a lovely, precious experience to be met at the airport!! Thanks Louise! It is (obviously not something that happens much to me anymore).

Matt and Louise welcomed me into their lives for the few days I was in Lisbon. What I was so amazed by was how well they speak Portugese!

I visited the theological college in Lisbon where they are working on the first night, helped out a bit in the office with Louise and then got to hear a sermon in Portugese which Louise translated for me. The first night we had dinner at the home of some of their Brazilian friends... lots of meat and rice.

I also managed to eat lots of Portugese tarts (custard type tarts), although, perhaps unsurprisingly, they don't call them Portuguese tarts.

Here is Louise and I with the bridge to Spain in the back ground (I may have made that up about the bridge)

The larges Christmas tree in Europe... apparently? Under construction

Matt and I at the Columbus monument in Belem

THE place to eat Portugese tarts... they were warm!!!

Lisbon had the wold expo in 1998. Matt and Louise live near this area in Lisbon (it is quite a new area near the water). It turns out that they decided not to include the Australian flag in the row of flags (there were some countries I had never heard of). This was to do with Australia's position in relation to East Timor at the time

Me and Louise....

Doing this blog and loooking at the photos again.... HOw amazing was the weather while I was there!

Speaking of weather, to put it nicely, things are atmospheric at the moment in London. By that I mean it is totally foggy.... I kind of like it.... I suspect because I haven't really experienced such atmospheric weather before.

However, it has meant alot of flights are being cancelled... not such a great thing to happen 3 days before Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool photos! Jo told me about the updated blog. You´re right that the bridge is the one you go on to get to Spain, but there´s still about 200km worth of travelling to get to the border. See you in Feb, yay!
love Lou