Schelle and I spent Saturday at my gym in Canary Wharf... got to do a class together which was fun, with a very enthusistic instructor... and then it was off to Borough markets for one last 2006 visit to buy some earl grey tea. But the tea people weren't there.
So we bought coffee from the only place in London that I am happy to buy coffee from and a chocolate brownie (well we had just been to the gym!)
Schelle and I with our coffees standing near the leaky cauldron from Harry Potter
Abbey, Pippa and me in Piccadilly Circus on new years eve
Matt, me and Pippa from our vantage point!
Then people from the fidgiting carriage started banging on the door to get into our carriage, so the door was opened and all these hysterical women (about 10) ran into our carriage and started banging on the door to the train drivers compartment. Ofcourse we started to get rather worried and we had eached come up with a detailed scenario of what had happened and how we were going to perish on the tube.
It turned out it was a couple of drunk guys who were fighting on their carriage, and some of the women got really upset with their kids so started to panic and were desparate to get off the tube.
The most uncomforting part of the whole thing was that even though we were only a metre short of being in the station completely, they could not open the doors of the train. It had to be done manually!
Happy 2007 everyone!!!!
they are nice coats chris!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Eggy!
Nice to talk to you tonight... will speak to you once back in Oz!
Hey Christina!
Happy 2007!
Ah 2007
The year of near death experiences...!
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